Our Business

Delivering cleaner energy for a more sustainable future

At BW LPG, we deliver clean energy for a sustainable world. As the world’s leading owner and operator of more than 50 Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGCs) with five decades of operating experience, we champion the safe and sustainable delivery of liquefied petroleum gas or LPG to world markets.

An LPG Carrier at Enterprise Terminal
Delivering a cleaner energy source to drive the world’s energy transition

Our strengths

We are a global leader in maritime LPG shipping. Our strengths differentiate us from others and enable us to operate across the energy value chain.

Offering our customers the lowest emissions profile in the LPG sector

Safe, flexible and reliable service

Having the world’s largest fleet of LPG carriers gives us the capacity and flexibility to offer timely and reliable services anywhere in the world, providing 24/7 commercial and operational support to our customers. Our vessels operate globally to cover all markets. Our scale, combined with our competence and experience, enables us to manage the logistics of Contracts of Affreightment (CoAs).
BW Leo crossing the Panama Canal on LPG propulsion

Strong brand and customer service

With more than 80 years in energy transportation and over 50 years in LPG transportation, BW LPG has a long-standing reputation as a leading provider of safe, reliable, and efficient LPG transportation solutions. This reputation provides an important advantage in building and maintaining strong relationships with leading oil and gas companies.

Decades of operating experience

We have a large pool of experienced employees on shore with extensive industry experience. At sea, our officers and crew, with experience in-company and in-industry, are a major competitive advantage in a market where charterers require significant experience among senior crew.

Supporting global operations

Shipping is a global business. With a network of offices across the world and headquarters in Singapore, we provide 24/7 support for our customers’ commercial and operational needs.

Global Operations at BW LPG
Supporting global operations from our offices

What is LPG

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is the liquefied form of petroleum gases released during the extraction of crude oil and natural gas or during the refining of crude oil. LPG is a clean energy source relative to other fossil fuels and has numerous applications such as in residential and commercial heating, cooking, fuel for transportation and as a petrochemical and refinery feedstock. LPG is also used within industrial processes and the production of fertiliser, and are carried in specialist vessels of 15,000-84,000 cbm. These vessels transport cargo in a liquid form, under pressure or in a refrigerated state on global routes such as the Middle East to Southeast Asia and the Far East.

Much of global LPG supply is from countries that are distant from consuming regions. Approximately a quarter of LPG produced is exported by sea. The Arabian Gulf is the largest hub for LPG exports, and Asia is the world’s largest importing hub for LPG.

LPG value chain

BW LPG is the leading owner and operator of Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGCs), which are particularly well suited to high-volume long distance upstream transportation of liquid petroleum gases (LPG).

Our touch points within the value chain typically include export terminals (linked to upstream pipelines and storage facilities) and import terminals (linked to downstream storage and transportation). These vessels are also used in large-scale maritime storage projects − often acting as floating terminals themselves. Our capabilities extend to smaller asset classes suitable for the downstream transportation of LPG.

LPG production process

An LPG Powered Very Large Gas Carrier or VLGC

LPG Shipping

BW LPG is the world’s leading owner and operator of LPG vessels, owning and operating Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGC) with a total carrying capacity of over 3 million CBM. With five decades of operating experience in LPG shipping and experienced seafarers and staff, BW LPG offers a flexible and reliable service to customers.

VLGC BW Carina at Liwan terminal Ningbo

Product Services

BW LPG’s Product Services division is our trading arm. The team is trading on price differentials between geographical regions and manages the portfolio risk through physical cargo, shipping and derivative hedging positions. The physical volume of LPG traded was more than five million mt in 2024..

BW Njord and BW Prince at Targe Terminal in Houston, USA


BW LPG Infrastructure is responsible for our value chain assets. The team aims to source and transport LPG globally, and build infrastructure in locations where we can add value to customers and communities by participating in the terminalling and distribution of LPG.