Our Leaders


Executive Management Team

Experienced, effective and diverse leadership

Kristian Sorensen BW LPG Deputy CEO and Head of Strategy

Kristian Sørensen

Chief Executive Officer

Samantha Xu, CFO of BW LPG

Samantha Xu

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President and Head of Operations

Prodyut Banerjee

Vice President and Head of Operations

Knut-Helge Knutsen, Vice President and Head of Technical

Knut-Helge Knutsen

Vice President and Head of Technical

Iver Baatvik

Iver Baatvik

Managing Director, BW LPG Infrastructure


Leona Leo

Vice President and Head of Human Resources

Board of Directors

Experienced, effective and diverse leadership

Andreas Sohmen-Pao

Andreas Sohmen-Pao


Andrew Wolff

Andrew E. Wolff

Anne Grethe Dalane

Anne Grethe Dalane

Sonali Chandmal

Sonali Chandmal

Luc Gillet

Luc Gillet

BW LPG Board Member - Sanjiv Misra

Sanjiv Misra

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee comprises Ms Sophie Smith (Chairperson), Mr Bjarte Bøe and Ms Elaine Yew Wen Suen as members. The Nomination Committee is responsible for nominating persons for election as directors, providing recommendations on the suitability of candidates for election as a director and to make recommendations for the remuneration of the directors. The Nomination Committee also proposes candidates for election to the Nomination Committee and proposes the remuneration to be paid to the members of the Nomination Committee.

Bjarte Bøe

Elaine Yew Wen Suen

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is responsible for approving the Board’s annual review of the Company’s most important areas of exposure to risk and its internal control arrangements, as well as an annual supervisory plan for internal audit work.

The Audit Committee follows up on internal controls in connection with quarterly reviews of the Group’s financial reporting. At least once a year, the Board and the Audit Committee review the Company’s internal control procedures relating to its financial reporting process. The Audit Committee consists of Ms Anne Grethe Dalane (Chairman), Ms Sonali Chandmal, and Mr Sanjiv Misra, all of whom are also members of the Board.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee ensures thorough and independent preparation of matters relating to compensation paid to the Executive Personnel. The Remuneration Committee consists of Mr Andreas Sohmen-Pao (Chairman) and Mr Luc Gillet, both of whom are also members of the Board.

Corporate Governance

At BW LPG, we conduct our business with high ethical standards and in compliance with relevant laws. We hold ourselves to high standards, and we expect the same from our external stakeholders and partners. Read more about corporate governance