Diversity, Inclusion & Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy


The BW LPG Diversity, Inclusion & Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy ensures equality without discrimination or any form of harassment based on race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, national origin or any other characteristic protected by law.

Policy Statement

BW LPG has a responsibility to create an environment where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. Employees and all other stakeholders have the right to have an environment that promotes equality, respects diversity, and prohibits discriminatory practices or any form of harassment. BW LPG embraces and encourages our employees’ differences in age, colour, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender expression, language, national origin, physical and mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veteran status, and other characteristics that make our employees unique. BW LPG values diversity as an opportunity to learn and grow.

All employees are expected to exhibit conduct that reflects inclusion during work, at work functions on or off the work site, and at all other company-sponsored and participative events. BW LPG’s culture encourages employees to be inclusive, which does not only add to employee experience, but also aligns with our purpose, vision and values.

Violation may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. BW LPG has zero tolerance for such conduct and all employees including senior management found to have engaged in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.

This policy prohibits any retaliation against any individual who reports discrimination, harassment or participate in investigations of such reports. Employees who believe they have been subjected to any kind of discrimination that conflicts with BW LPG’s Diversity, Inclusion & Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and initiatives should seek assistance or report the matter promptly to Human Resources.